

Crown Sport Nutrition energy GUM bar

27. 9. 2023

Crown Energy GUM Bar is the highest quality gum bar with a premium composition that provides all the necessary ingredients to improve performance in training and competition. An orange-flavored gum bar will be available at the refreshment stations at 10 km, 20 km, 30 km and 35 km.

It is a gelatinized version of an energy gel that is easy to chew. It is particularly convenient, as one part can be eaten, and the remaining part can be put back in the pocket and saved for later. The gelatinous structure means that it does not spill in your pocket, does not stick to your fingers and is not difficult to eat.

It contains two sources of carbohydrates, dextrose (in the form of glucose syrup) and sucrose, which provides three types of carbohydrates, since sucrose is a source of glucose and fructose. These are necessary because the intake of carbohydrates during sports training improves performance. In addition, recent research has shown that high carbohydrate intake during exercise, especially prolonged (more than 2.5 h), improves neuromuscular function and also improves post-exercise recovery. One gum bar contains 23 g of carbohydrates.

The exceptional formula of Crown gum bars, in addition to the combination of carbohydrates, also contains:

minerals: better known as electrolytes and salts, especially sodium (Na), which is lost most through sweat and is essential for maintaining hydration during physical activity (each bar provides approximately 112 mg). It also provides potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg), the loss of which can cause muscle cramps. The added magnesium is in the form of a highly bioavailable salt, i.e. magnesium citrate.

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAA): intake of these amino acids together with carbohydrates during training reduces the possibility of muscle damage. Branched-chain amino acids are used as an energy source, reducing the use of glycogen in favor of fat. In addition, the intake of these amino acids during exercise reduces central fatigue syndrome (CFS), that is the production of serotonin (a neurotransmitter associated with fatigue and mood symptoms) is reduced.

arginine: in addition to being a precursor to nitric oxide (NO), this amino acid reduces lactate levels and improves aerobic performance. Since glycogen is an amino acid, the muscle can use it as an additional source of energy.

taurine: among other things, it has antioxidant, metabolic and ergogenic effects. It has been proven that its intake together with other ingredients improves muscle resistance during exercise. It stabilizes cell membranes by helping potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium pass through them.

caffeine and guarana - only in strawberry and cola flavor: caffeine (in pure form and as guarana) is added, the most effective ingredient for directly improving performance, both resistance and strength. In addition to activating the central nervous system (CNS), this delays fatigue and optimizes the use of cellular fuels (glycogen and fat). Most importantly, it improves muscle contraction, hence its effectiveness, especially when fatigue sets in. A caffeine gum bar contains 64.4 mg of caffeine.

All Crown energy gum bars are also suitable for vegans.

How to use

Take one bar approximately every 45 minutes of physical activity.

Professional advice:

If you also take Isodrink & Energy: eat one bar approximately every hour of physical activity. After 3 hours, eat one bar every 30 minutes (2 bars/hour).

If you do NOT take Isodrink & Energy: eat one bar approximately every 30 minutes (2 bars/hour) of physical activity. After 3 hours, eat one bar every 20 minutes (3 bars/hour).

In this case, as a professional recommendation to avoid dehydration, we suggest eating approximately capsule of PRO Salt Capsevery 60-90 minutes of physical activity.

If you DO NOT take Isodrink & Energy and want to combine them with Crown Energy Gel or Energy Bar: eat one bar approximately every 30 minutes (2 bars/hour) of physical activity. After 3 hours, eat one bar every 20 minutes (3 bars/hour). But if you combine them with Crown Energy Gel, you can substitute or alternate a bar with a gel. And if you choose Crown Salty Energy Bar you could eliminate the intake of the PRO Salt Caps capsule.