

Drink and chill…

16. 6. 2023

Water, water, and more water... for quenching your thirst, for swimming, even the one that surprises us without an umbrella on summer afternoons. Water always comes in handy. Drinking water helps the body regulate body temperature, supplies cells with nutrients and oxygen through the blood and washes away waste materials, you can find it in the digestive system, joints, and, other body fluids, it protects organs and connective tissues. The body loses water through the skin through perspiration, through the kidneys with urine, through the lungs, through exhaled air, and through the intestines. During normal activity, we can lose up to one liter of water per day through sweating, while during a one-hour intensive exercise or at a high outside temperature, we can lose more than a liter of water per hour. Lost water must be constantly replaced, especially with fluids. Some water is consumed with food, some is formed during the metabolism of nutrients in the body. Adults need an average of two to three liters of water per day to survive.

Longer periods of heat in the summertime require us to hydrate more often. The lack of water in the body is often noticed only when we are reminded of it by a headache, dry mouth, loss of appetite, darker colored urine... To reduce worries about sufficient fluid intake, keep a full water bottle with you at all times during the hot summer weeks and months, but in Lubljana streets, you can use fresh drinking water from drinking fountains. IIn many cases these are also placed along the paths that are often used by runners. The water from the drinking fountain is impeccable, and its quality is regularly monitored. Tip: before each use of water from the drinking fountain, it is recommended to drain some of the water.

Be proactive - start and end the day with a glass of water, and drink it several times a day in between. (sources: NIJZ, Voka Snaga)