

Technical instructions

8. 10. 2019

All the competitors can collect the race number with voucher at the registration area:

At the fair »Tečem« Expo of Volkswagen 24th Ljubljana Marathon (Marmorna hall, Gospodarsko razstavišče):
on Thursday, October 24th, 2019: 9:00 - 19:00
on Friday, October 25th, 2019: 9:00 - 19:00
on Saturday, October 26th, 2019: 9:00 - 19:00
on Sunday, October 27th, 2019: 6:30 - 9:30 

Please read the instructions carefully

  • Each competitor of the Volkswagen 24th Ljubljana Marathon will receive a number with bib, T-shirt and kitbag with a coupon for pasta party.
  • You must have your race number visible all the time, your race number goes on the front of your shirt.
  • Start will be separated in zones (groups). You can enter the zone only with a race number. The entrance is at the back of the zone (in front of next zone). Please see the instruction on our web site. The runners will be separated by target times (officially registered times):
  • Zone »invited«/ invited runners and runners for national championchip marathon race
  • zone 1 / all competitors with target times under 3:10 for the full marathon, under 1:35 for the half marathon and under 45 minutes for GARMIN 10 km run; group closes at 8.05 for GARMIN 10 km run, 10.05 for 21 km and 42 km
  • zone 2 / all competitors with target times under 3:25 for the full marathon, under 1:43 for the half marathon and under 50 minutes for GARMIN 10 km run; group closes at 8.05 for GARMIN 10 km run, 10.05 for 21 km and 42 km
  • zone 3 / all competitors with target times under 3:45 for the full marathon, under 1:48 for the half marathon and under 55 minutes for GARMIN 10 km run; group closes at 8.10 for GARMIN 10 km run, 10.10 for 21 km and 42 km
  • zone 4 / all competitors with target times under 4:00 for the full marathon, under 2:00 for the half marathon and under 1:00 for GARMIN 10 km run; group closes at 8.15 for GARMIN 10 km run, 10.15 for 21 km and 42 km
  • zone 5 / all competitors with target times 4:00 and more for the full marathon, 2:00 and more for the half marathon and 1:00 and more for GARMIN 10 km run; group stays open

All competitors must run through the finish line otherwise there will be no results.

  • Wardrobes will be available at Trg republike. The organizer will provide the tents where you can change clothes. You will be able to leave your clothes only in the kitbag which you'll receive when you pick up the race number. After the race, the bag stays in your permanent property. Other bags will not be accepted. After the race, you will be able to pick up your clothes only with your race number. The organizer does not take any responsibility for the clothes left in the wardrobes. Showers are at Tivoli (swimming pool), Celovška 25.
  • Portable toilet cabins will be at start line - Slovenska street (prolonging to Aškerčeva street), at the entrances of starting zones, at Kongresni trg and Trg republike along the course line and at every refreshment and water station. 
  • Roads will be closed for traffic and all the runners will be able to warm-up at Slovenska street and Aškerčeva street. There will be no warming-up at the start line.
  • All races start at Slovenska street (near Drama). The organizer advises all the participants to follow the instructions and separate in to groups from 1 to 5 (as specified above). Please line up properly and on time.
  • The start times:
    • the start of GARMIN 10km run will be at 8.30
    • the start of the half marathon for paraplegic will be at 10.25
    • the starts of full and half marathon will be at 10.30.
  • Limit for GARMIN 10 km run is 1:30:00. Slower runners will finish the race in front of the Kavarna Evropa at Gosposvetska street. Limit time for the full marathon is 5 hours. The full marathon (42.195 m) runners who do not finish the first round (20.000 m) in 2 hours and 30 minutes (brutto), and are behind tempo runner for 5:00, will be redirected to the finish. The results will be published among the results of the half marathon.
  • There will be refreshment stations every five kilometers with water (bottles and cups), sugar cubes, salt, fruit (mandarins, bananas), energy drinks (Enervit, Isostar) and chocolates. There will be also water stations (6). First will be on 12,5 km, than every five kilometers.
  • Referees will control the competitors at eight checkpoints along the course.
  • The organizer will assure the tempo runners with expected times 3:00, 3:15, 3:30, 3:45, 4:00, 4:15, 4:30, 4:45 and 5:00 that will be marked with flags and will be wearing colorful running dresses. Tempo runners will be also in GARMIN 10 km run with expected times 0:50, 0:55, 1:00, 1:05 and 1:10.
  • No aid, such as cycles are permitted on the course. The organizer will disqualify the runner with an aid.
  • At the finish (Trg republike) bottled water, tea, soup, energy drinks, sugar cubes, salt, fruit (mandarins, bananas), chocolate and cookies will be available for the competitors. 
  • Medical help will be available along the course at every refreshment station and at the finish line.
  • Awards ceremony in the absolute category will be according to the following tentative schedule:
    • GARMIN 10km run men at 9.20
    • GARMIN 10km run women at 9.30
      • half marathon (paraplegic - men) at 11.20
      • half marathon (paraplegic - women) at 11.35
      • half marathon (absolute category - men) at 11.50
      • half marathon (absolute category - women) at 12.10
      • full marathon (absolute category - men) at 13.00
      • full marathon (national championchip category - men) at 13.10
      • full marathon (absolute category - women) at 13.30
      • full marathon (national championchip category - women) at 13.40

There won't be a public awards ceremony by categories. The first three competitors will receive their awards in the tent of the Trg republike.                               

The competitors that will not claim the awards at the main stage can also claim the awards at Timing Ljubljana, Staničeva 41, Ljubljana, 3rd floor by 14th November 2019. 

All the competitors of the full marathon, half marathon and GARMIN 10km run can receive a recognition for competing/certificate in the Volkswagen 24th Ljubljana Marathon in the tent of the Trg Republike or they can print it from the website: www.ljubljanskimaraton.si. Official results will also be published on http://vw-ljubljanskimaraton.si/.

We wish all the competitors of the Volkswagen 24th Ljubljana Marathon all the best, lots of enjoyment and we are already inviting you to the “64th Pohod ob žici”, Ljubljana 2020 (7th – 9th May 2020) and to the Volkswagen 25th Ljubljana Marathon 2020 (expected on 25th October 2020).