

The winners of the VW 26th Ljubljana Marathon take 43rd and 50th place in world rankings

12. 12. 2022

This year's VW Ljubljana Marathon is already behind us, but there are still some details that need tending to before its financial and organizational closure. These include the report on doping control analyses, which is of course mandatory for such a large competition. We are happy to announce that we have recently received a negative report, which is good news in the case of doping control, as it means no detection of prohibited substances among marathon runners.

The women and men runners from the VW Ljubljana Marathon are also doing amazingly well in the current world rankings of best results this year. This ranking list contains all the results from registered marathons around the world, up until the end of November. Amongst the women, the winner of our marathon, Siranesh YIRGA, is in 43rd place (she achieved a result of 2:21:08), and amongst the men, Gebretsadik ABRAHA is in 50th place (2:06:09).